Tim Neels does not only take his inspiration from the images surrounding us but is also moved by emotions, stories and music. He does not focus on a specific artistic expression and will not be forced into a (strait)jacket, nor he accepts restrictions. This hard-won freedom is the source of his inspiration. At Haute he shows us ‘Gedachtenvormers’ or ‘Thought-Shapers’’. In his perception we live in a rapidly changing society where we are flooded with an abundance of information through various channels. This stream of new, old, false or alternative data is trying to influence our thoughts, and we can’t always distinguish right from wrong, good from bad. Sometimes it feels like being forced to constantly form, distort or change our opinions.                                                                                                                                        John Devos Eye/SeaDocent, recensent, curator/ Lecturer, critic, curatorCorrespondent België & Nederland l'Oeil de la Photographie/ Eye of PhotographyHon Lecturer LUCA School of Arts Brussels